Nov 18, 2012

Attempt at a blog post...

Having never 'blogged' before I'm at a loss at what to do. I'm not yet happy with the appearance of my blog, so if anyone wants to share any tips with me I'd love that.

I know I want to do a post a week at least (hopefully I'll have something decent to say at least once a week) and I know I don't want to just use my blog as a way to complain or whinge about my life as that'd be incredibly boring and painful to read.

I also know I want to post on the things that interest me and most girls I guess - beauty, fashion, health, life and just general thoughts. I'm hoping eventually, I will understand this blogging craze and I'll find a bunch of great blogs to read and that I, myself, can produce a blog worth reading. I don't know.
Also, here's a pic of Batpug and Robin. :)